The 2024 membership dues are to be paid prior to April 15th. If paid after the designated date of April 15th, 2021, there is an additional $10.00 fee. If the membership fee is not paid by April 19th to the anual General Members’ Meeting (April 20th), that individual will not be nominate or be nominated for the position of the association for the year 2023 in accordance with the statutes.
Please send all membership dues, trailer dues, and electric bill payments to the following address: Philadelphia & Vicinity Hungarian Sport Club C/O Maria Pankova, 105 La Salle Ave. Clifton, NJ 07013. Please make all checks payable to Philadelphia & Vicinity Hungarian Sports Club.
- Family membership: $325 (includes families living in one household with children under the age of 18 and/or actively enrolled students) Additional trailer fee: $200. Total family membership with a trailer: $525
- Individual membership: $175 (includes single adult or single parent with a child under the age of 18 and/or actively enrolled student) Additional trailer fee: $200. Total individual or single adult with a trailer: $375
- Retired couple membership: $110
- Single, retiree membership: $60
- Retirees receive a price discount ($110 and $60) for those who have been members of the Hungarian Club for at least 5 years and receive a pension.
- Additional trailer fee: $200